Time to optimise your mobile strategy, Singapore

On average, we spent 147 minutes per day on our smartphones in 2013, 35% of which was spent on researching/reviewing products/services we wanted to purchase. Be it the latest fashion trends, possible summer vacation destinations, or the new gadget that’s on our radar, we all spent a considerable amount of time on our mobile devices.

Given this transition to ‘proactive buyer-led behaviour’ in the mobile space, it is critical that our brands remain ‘relevant’ to the evolving mobile-led decision-making process.

1)From presenting products to solving problems

The Mobilesphere is commonly treated as an extension of the brand website/social media touch point(s) by many mobile touch point owners in Singapore. In an age of content overload, we cannot impress the mobile consumer(s) with the plethora of products/services the brand offers.

‘Relevancy’ is indeed the prized currency and we need to create a compelling mobile journey beginning from identifying consumer needs to the ideal destination of providing solutions.

– See more at: http://sbr.com.sg/media-marketing/commentary/time-optimize-your-mobile-strategy-singapore#sthash.p2lCOPeX.dpuf

Is the Age of Contentment Upon Us?

It’s a busy day for David.

8.30a.m meeting with the CEO followed by a 10am presentation to the client. On his way back to office, he bumps into Wendy starting her day off. Dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, Wendy is the owner of a local craft shop. Operating out of a shop house, she makes leather products for a living.

A business studies major from a leading university, Wendy decided to turn her passion into her livelihood having slogged her way through 4 years of non-stop work at a global marketing company. According to Wendy, “I was spending more time making someone else rich whilst I didn’t even have time to enjoy the dinner cooked by my mum”.

What made Wendy give up a possible high flying career and find her own niche?

“ I realized that I don’t need much to lead a good life. My biggest expenses are rent and my mandatory $500 holiday which I take every three months. When I was working for the MNC, I got to travel on 1st class seats, stay in 5star hotels etc. Somewhere down the line, I realized that I don’t need all that jazz. I’m fine with a budget beach hotel and an Air Asia ticket. Singapore has probably the best transportation system in Asia, hence I don’t need a car. I wanted to simplify my life without sacrificing my wants.” Says Wendy.

Wendy is a part of a growing population of Singaporeans who are looking to break away from the traditionally accepted ‘success’ factors of the society.

Meet Sarah. A medical doctor by profession, she quit her lofty job at a leading hospital to start a clinic specializing in treating premature babies. “I was struggling to balance my work and my precious time with my children. I decided to take a risk and start a small clinic. The income I earn is sufficient to lead a comfortable life and more importantly, I’m a much happier person as a result. Although I cannot afford shopping trips to Australia and trips to Europe anymore, I can still have a good time with my family in Phuket” says Sarah.

More and more Singaporeans are starting to venture out on their own. They do so with the realization that they will have to compromise one to gain another. First class tickets to flying economy class. 5 star hotels to budget hotels.

“There is a certain number of man-hours that I can dedicate to my business every week. Even if I get more orders, I will stick to what I can do to the best of my ability. After all, this is my passion. No compromises. I’m not a MNC to grab all I can get. A freedom I cherish to a great extent.” Says Wendy of her business venture. These individuals run their ventures to make ‘enough’. They don’t want ‘more’. A fact that is completely going against a capitalistic society. Wendy and Sarah are a part of a revolutionary niche of entrepreneurs whose sole objective is ‘freedom’. They don’t want to be bound by rules and regulations. For them, less is indeed …. More.

These little nuggets are bound to turn into big trends in the future. As an adman, it will be interesting to explore and to strategize marketing efforts to these individuals in the future. How can a brand be more relevant than the other so that it will not be the one that will get eliminated?

David finally finishes work at 8pm. Walking to Tanjong Pagar MRT, he dreams. He dreams of starting his own venture. A personal training facility. Who knows, maybe you and I might even join up as members?

Note: The article is based on interviews carried out by the author. The names have been changed owing to the request made by the individuals.

Why I Believe in Advertising

Yes, we can sell nice mobile phone. Even crappy mobile phones. Sometimes give a vision to a brand that the actual service delivery cannot match. We keep striving to push the boundaries all the time.

Amidst all this, It is important that we understand the true power of advertising. Our ideas can truly change the world. Influence society. Change the way we live. Which is why I take my hat off to the extremely sugary Coke. And more importantly, the folks at Wieden + Kennedy.

In a globalised world, almost every country is multicultural. Can you imagine one of your national patriotic tunes sung in a different language? How would you feel? Would you feel as if your country is loosing its identity? “How dare they sing my national patriotic tune in a different language? !!”

If we are to move forward as a race, we need to embrace each other. We need to let others embrace us. In ways that they can comprehend and more importantly… Enjoy… Have fun with.

May be the idea is to let everything we hold near and dear go. Let them wonder off  to the world. Let the world embrace who we are. And may we embrace other cultures too.

In its own way, this 60sec TVC will change the world. It will go on to help make this world a peaceful place to live in. At the end of the day, we are all made of flesh and blood. Nothing more, nothing less. Let’s embrace who we are.

As for us in the industry, let us not forget the immense opportunity we have to change the course of the world. Let us use this power with dignity, empathy and with courage. Always.
